You’re at a stage where you no longer find healthy living daunting, and have taken steps to living a healthier lifestyle. First, let me say congratulations! As it is not an easy feat. Particularly as it often requires a complete behaviour change and way of thinking, some of which we’ve had for many years. This is challenging for almost anyone. The important thing is you have started. Now, you are wondering how to maintain this lifestyle. While there are various ways to do so, I’ll share three.
Consistency and Commitment
Be consistent and committed. The more you do something, consistently, every day, the more likely it will become a habit. A reminder that it takes about 21 days to form a habit, (66 days on average), and approximately 90 days to make it a permanent lifestyle. My tip, start small, build upon it every week, and continue to challenge yourself. Here is an example. You would like to add more water to your diet to reach your 2.2 litres per day. Start by getting a sturdy 32 oz water bottle (that is almost a litre). Bring this everywhere with you –to work (keep it on your desk within arm’s reach), in the car, on your walk, etc. Take a couple guzzles every 20 to 30 minutes. Don’t wait until you feel thirsty as it means by then, you’re almost dehydrated.
Start by finishing a full bottle each day. The next week, drink a bottle and a half every day (1.5 litres). The week after that, two bottles per day. You know what? It’s week three, and you’ve reached 2 litres. I still practice this today and fill up my 1 litre water bottle at least three times per day. I now very rarely drink juice and my water bottle is always with me.
You can also use this incremental process for anything, including exercising – whether you’re walking, running, lifting weights, etc. Start slowly and build up. It’s important to set realistic achievable goals. You will be surprised what you can achieve with consistency and commitment.
Connect with Like-Minded People
You know the trite saying, birds of a feather? There is some truth to it. Associating with like-minded people who have similar healthy living goals and aspirations can be a great motivator. You empower and support each other along the way. If you don’t have a support group, consider building one. Once others hear your positive healthy living story and see the benefits on you, many of your friends and family members will want to join you. Bring them along and encourage them to bring a friend. The social aspect that the group provides is also an important part of healthy living.
Do not get discouraged
Some days you may feel too exhausted exercise, or you could not pass up that glazed donut with your coffee. Don’t be too hard on yourself. It happens to the best of us. Get back on track the next day. It’s about moderation and balance. Healthy living should not be stressful, that would defeat the purpose and be counterproductive. It is about making healthy choices; doing activities and eating foods you enjoy – but doing it in a different, healthier way. Keep going, you will only get better. Pass it on.
Get help a little help to drink more water. You can check out our Motivational Water Bottle here:
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By: Marlene Roache, Healthy Eating Coach, Owner and Founder of La Tropiqua – Healthy Living. For Life Ltd.